Sunday, July 5, 2009

she had doubts at the time

..she had struggled
when she had started planting her tree
she had doubts at the time
she wasn't sure if it was going to grow
she tried a few times
she had doubts at the time
she wasn't sure if it was going to grow
any roots

but she did plant her tree
she watered it every day
she made sure it got enough sun
and enough care
she made sure it stayed healthy
she even sang to her tree
and trimmed the branches
she did everything she knew
to take care of the tree

she danced under the tree
she wrote and read under her tree
she lied in it's shade
and slept in it's shade
she saw it blossom
she even saw birds making nests
on the tree

she saw the seasons change her tree
she saw it naked and with fruits..

..she had struggled
when she had started planting her tree
she had doubts at the time..

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