it is like I have lost
two of my close friends
he said
i feel the emptiness
i feel the loss
i wonder how
they can cut through life
like that
break it into pieces
i wonder why
i wonder how
people lose their connection
to the nature and the earth
i wonder how they see it
they could have built the house
beside them
they could have built
a smaller house
they could have removed them
and planted them
somewhere else
i feel angry
for not being there
to protect them
i feel sad
i will miss watching them
dancing through the winds
i will miss them welcoming the birds
sitting on their branches
and singing
i will miss the huge nest
i will miss the sunrise
sprinkled on their skin
and the sunset
coloring their backs
i will miss their winter nakedness
their spring blossoms
their full green
their yellow and orange fall
it was so sudden
he said
one day they are here
and the next they are gone
i feel like we are next
he said
that they are coming after us
the machines
i close my eyes
and i imagine
that they are still there
and strong
i will miss our trees..