not going to go away not with words made of inks and papers to not accept it a layer right on top of things hiding the holes and the carves deep..low i will catch the next train it is only in a few minutes..
made of parts that will be remembered and pieces that will not and not because you didn't want to but because they just got lost among one of the white boxes or got thrown away by mistake.
..and before you know it it will freeze and now you can’t swim in it anymore but you can walk on it if you trust that the ice is thick enough you are scared of falling into the water again you know that this time it will be too cold and you might even cut yourself with the broken ice
I look ahead As I pass over And pass across It has all fallen into place I just need to learn to walk straight I just need to learn to walk unafraid A clear and uplifting mind A clear and free mind
the white road ahead so inviting the sound of the snow under my feet days melting into one another like the snow flakes on my skin feels so clean and simple and it feels like it can go forever so I keep my head high and my thoughts floating the possibility is there..